The Health Benefits of Almonds. Here are 9 of the best things to know.

What are the health benefits of Almonds? Almonds are a nutrient-dense food. Almonds have been a part of mankind’s diet from pre agriculture times.

Many people are aware of the health benefits of almonds. Consuming almonds regularly promotes healthy living. Almonds are packed with several vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body.

You might wonder how something this small can be that beneficial for your health. This is because of the protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals present in the almond nut.

You can consume almonds in many ways, as a topping over ice cream, as a mid snack, in salads, and you name it. With all the health benefits of almonds, You can call it the World’s perfect snack.

What are the benefits of almonds? Is almonds good for losing weight? Read on to know the health benefits of almonds followed by the most frequently asked question on Almonds.

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The Health Benefits of Almonds

1. Almonds are a good source of energy

A 100 grams of almonds typically contain 575 kcal. Of which 50% of energy comes from the fats in almonds. However, the fats present in almonds are beneficial because of their Unsaturated fats (62% Mono-Unsaturated fatty acids and 24% polyunsaturated fatty acids). Almonds also have a saturated fat content of 3.7 grams per 100 grams, which is the lowest of all nuts. Whatever your health goal is, almonds would be your perfect meal or snack.

2. Almonds are rich in protein

Almonds are one of the nutrient-rich foods available in the market. Almonds are rich in both micronutrients and macronutrients.

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100 grams of almonds contains:

  • Energy: 575 kcal
  • Protein: 21.22 grams
  • Fats: 49.42 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 12.2 grams

Almonds are naturally rich in vitamin E, vitamin B2(riboflavin), and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese. Almonds are naturally sodium-free and fit well in low sodium diets.

3. Almonds are a good source of fiber

Raw almonds contain around 12 grams of fiber per 100 grams, which is sufficient to claim it as a good fiber source. The dietary fiber present in almonds had probiotic effects – positive effects on digestion. Almonds are one of the best satiating foods. The dietary fiber present in almonds increases satiety and reduces weight gain over time. A regular serving of almonds (30g) provides about 15% of the daily fiber requirement.

The Health Benefits of Almonds

4. Almonds regulate cholesterol

Tree nuts do not contain any dietary cholesterol. Almonds have no exemption. But they are rich in phytosterols, a type of compound that interfere with cholesterol absorption. Here, it helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. As I have mentioned earlier in this article, almonds are rich in vitamin E. Increasing vitamin E levels in RBCs reduces the risk of having cholesterol. Thus consuming a handful of almonds is helpful in lowering cholesterol levels.

5. Almonds are rich in antioxidants

Raw almonds are a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants in almonds help protect against oxidative stress develops cell damage that leads to inflammation, aging, and diseases like cancer (uncontrolled cell division). The powerful antioxidants, dietary flavonoids are present in the skin of almonds, the outer brown layer. If you are removing the brown layer, that means you are losing the antioxidants.

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6. Almonds are rich in vitamin E

It is a fat-soluble antioxidant. With one serving of almonds, you can get 37% of vitamin E’s required daily intake. Hence it is considered as world’s best source of vitamin E.

Several studies are saying that a higher intake of vitamin E, reduces cholesterol levels, lower rates of heart diseases and even cancer.

7. Almonds reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Regular tree nut consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a study conducted on several populations of different lifestyles, it is observed that the people who eat almonds regularly have reduced coronary heart disease risk by 30%. Hence it is important to consume almonds regularly for a healthy heart.

8. Almonds help in weight management

Almonds are rich in energy. On the other hand, almonds are one of the satiating foods. They are rich in protein and healthy fats and lower in carbohydrates.

If intake of almonds is increased, it increases satiety and reduces weight gain over time. Epidemiological studies show that those who eat nuts regularly tend to have lower body mass. Substituting satiating foods such as almonds with non-satiating foods is a potential strategy to lose weight.

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9. Almonds and type 2 diabetes

As we discussed earlier, almonds are rich in fiber and are more satiating than most foods. Regular consumption of almonds is linked to improvement in glycemic control and insulin sensitivity. As a result, the risk factor of diabetes is also reduced. Several studies have shown that a higher intake of dietary fiber and low glycemic loads can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, for people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes already, consuming almonds regularly plays an integral role in stabilizing it.

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Effects of overconsuming Almonds

Almonds are extremely nutritious and most satiating food. However, they can also induce some effects in susceptible individuals due to over-consuming. Here are some of the effects of overconsuming.

  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea


Can I consume almonds by removing the outer brown shell?

Almonds are more nutritious and are packed with antioxidants. The powerful antioxidants, dietary flavonoids are present in the skin of almonds, that is the outer brown layer. If you are removing the brown layer, that means you are losing the antioxidants. It is better to consume almonds as a whole.

How many almonds should you eat in a day?

Almonds are an energy-rich food. The answer to this question depends on your weight goal. If your goal is to gain weight, you can consume around 30-40 almonds. If your goal is to lose weight, you can consume around 5-10.

Soaked almonds or raw almonds?

Both are ok. Soaked almonds are little better because it helps in the absorption of nutrients in a better way.

Is almonds good for losing weight?

Almonds are rich in energy. On the other hand, almonds are one of the satiating foods. Substituting satiating foods such as almonds with non-satiating foods is a potential strategy to lose weight.

The conclusion

The Health Benefits of Almonds are many. Some of the most important benefits are mentioned in this article. I hope this article(The Health Benefits of Almonds) is helpful for you. Show your LOVE by sharing this article. I’d love to know your opinion about this blog post in the comment section below.

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Mujja Saikumar, founder of The Muscly Advisor is an Aeronautical engineering graduate formed an obsession with fitness and helping people to clear all the health and fitness-related doubts through Blogs, videos, and social media. Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

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